Study number
Study 427 |
Measurement of sportfishing harvest in lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Superior. |
Study 436 |
Vital Statistics of walleyes in Saginaw Bay. |
Study 451 |
Evaluation of lake trout stocks in Lake Huron. |
Study 460 |
Dynamics of Lake Erie walleye and yellow perch populations and fisheries. |
Study 462 |
Charter boat catch and effort from Michigan waters of the Great Lakes. |
Study 465 |
Assesment of lake whitefish populations in Michigan waters of Lake Superior. |
Study 466 |
Fish community status in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. |
Study 484 |
Population dynamics of yellow perch stocks in Michigan waters of Lake Michigan. |
Study 485 |
Assessment of chinook and coho salmon populations and their prey in Eastern Lake Michigan. |
Study 486 |
Assessment of lake trout populations in Michigan�s waters of Lake Michigan. |
Study 488 |
Status of the Lake St. Clair fish community and sport fishery. |
Study 489 |
Comparison of mail and creel survey estimates for recreational fishing on the Great Lakes. |
Study 491 |
Evaluation of lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens populations in the St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair. |
Study 494 |
Continued monitoring of yellow perch and walleye populations in Michigan waters of Green Bay, Lake Michigan. |
Study 495 |
Assessment of lake trout populations in Michigan waters of Lake Superior. |
Study 513 |
Evaluation of returns of salmonids to weirs in Michigan�s waters of the Great Lakes. |
Study 646 |
Inland creel surveys. |
Study 661 |
Evaluation of lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens populations in northern Michigan. |
Study 662 |
Inventory and classification of Michigan rivers and river fish communities. |
Study 674* |
Compilation of databases on Michigan lakes. |
Study 679 |
Ecological river classification as a basis for management of coldwater streams. |
Study 680 |
Patterns in community structure, life histories, and ecological distributions of fishes in Michigan rivers. |
Study 681* |
Development of multi-lake management strategies for Michigan�s inland lakes. |
Study 695 |
Northern Lake Huron, coolwater fish community assessment. |
Study 697 |
Fisheries Stewardship and Heritage Outreach/Research (SHOR) Initiative: A Five Year Plan for baseline and longitudinal research on angling involvement and associated fisheries and aquatic stewardship activities in Michigan. |
Study 698* |
Inventory and evaluation of stream habitat improvements. |
Study 710 |
Evaluation and development of quantitative methods for fishery surveys, assessments, and inventory programs in Michigan. |
Study 712 |
Recourse inventory support for inland lakes. |
Study 721 |
Design, analysis, and implementation of aquatic resource inventory in Michigan. |
Study 723 |
Effects of exploitation and fisheries management on genetic diversity of fish stocks in inland and Great Lakes waters of Michigan. |
Study 725 |
Fisheries assessments in large, inland lakes of Michigan. |
Study 737 |
Status and trends of fish populations and community structure in Michigan streams. |