Michigan Department of Natural Resources Status of the Fishery Resource Report 91-13, 1991. BASELINE LAKE Allegan County (T1N, R13W, Sections 32 and 33) Surveyed April 17-18, 1990 James L. Dexter, Jr. Environment
Baseline Lake is a natural lake located in southern Allegan County.
The lake is easily accessed off M40 about 6 miles south of the City
of Allegan.
The watershed is dominated by cultivated farmland. Residential areas
and large tracts of woods are sparse. The land surrounding the lake is
made up mostly of poorly drained silty loams and aquent soils. The topography
is slightly undulating, with moderate sized glacial hills to the north. Baseline Lake is 187 acres in size with a maximum depth of about 45 feet.
The lake has never been mapped. Three very small inlets that are rated
as second quality warmwater exist (southwest, west, and north central
shores) along with one outlet (top quality warmwater) in the northeast
corner. Because of riparian flooding problems in 1978 and 1980, a legal
lake level of 729.00 feet was established in 1980, and a control structure
was built. Water quality conditions of the lake were studied in August of 1990.
The water was brown and very turbid. This condition appears to be present
just about yearround, most likely due to high nutrient enrichment
from surrounding farms. Secchi disc readings were only 3.5 feet, slightly
less than in the early 1980's. Within the water column, alkalinities ranged
from 111 ppm to 126 ppm, and pH was about 8.5. These values indicate the
water is hard and well buffered. Water temperatures varied from 81.5°F
at the surface to 50°F at the bottom. A thermocline occurred from
about 12 to 20 feet of water. However, not enough oxygen was present in
this area to support most fish species. Dissolved oxygen levels were as
high as 10.3 ppm at the 3foot depth, but diminished to 0.5 ppm at
the 12foot depth.
Although the lake bottom has sharp dropoffs around most of the perimeter,
most shoal areas are heavily vegetated. Coontail and milfoil appear to
dominate the submerged plant community. Floating and emerged species are
rated as common to abundant throughout the lake's shoal areas. Development around Baseline Lake is sparse compared with many southern
Michigan lakes. This is explained by the marshy shore areas and poorly
drained soils. Most development has taken place on the southwestern, western,
and northwestern shores. Most other areas are still in their natural state
(lowland hardwoods). A public access site on the west side of the lake
is available with 15 trailer parking sites and a paved ramp.
Fishery Resource Baseline Lake historically produced good northern pike, largemouth bass,
and bluegill fishing. Between 1934 and 1945, various combinations of bluegill,
largemouth bass, yellow perch, walleye, and black crappie were stocked.
Of those species, only walleye are not present today. Of 1,710,000 walleye
fry stocked between 1937 and 1942, no reference can be found of either
anglers or fisheries personnel finding a stocked walleye in Baseline Lake. By the mid-1950's the fishery started to decline. This coincided with
increased development around the lake. Bluegills became stunted, and other
game species suffered a decline. In May of 1959, water quality was reported
to be poor due to turbidity caused by high algal density. This same water
quality condition exists today, practically year-round. Partial fishery surveys were conducted with an AC-boomshocking boat in
1975 and 1979. These surveys documented again that bluegills were small
and slow growing, while largemouth bass size and recruitment rates were
very good. Few crappies or perch were collected because of the gear used
and time of collection (June). The species composition of the lake was
typical of a warmwater fish community. The community of fish present today is a little different from that of
40 years ago (Table 1). The most recent survey (April 17-18, 1990) was
conducted specifically to evaluate the northern pike population. Water
temperatures at the time of the survey were cool (46°-47°F),
and catches in the trap, fyke, and gill nets were very low. However, a
spring 1988 trap-netting survey provided a very large sample and revealed
much information about the bluegill population. Baseline Lake today is very popular among bluegill, pike, bass, and
crappie anglers. The bluegill fishery appears to have recovered substantially
from that of 1030 years ago. Growth has increased from below state
average rates in 1975 and 1979, to slightly above the state average rate
(Table 2). This better rate of growth was seen in the 1988 sample also.
Most recently sampled bluegills were of acceptable size (1988-89.2%;1990-96.1%).
We were surprised to find that the bluegill population had reversed itself.
Only a few largemouth bass, yellow perch, and black crappie were collected
in this survey, too few to draw any firm conclusions about their growth
rates or populations. Five northern pike were collected that ranged from
21.6 to 31.0 inches. Their growth was very good, much above observed state
average rates (Table 2). These fish were ages IV and V, and may or may
not have been of hatchery origin. When the control structure was built
in 1980, pike spawning runs up Baseline Creek to Baseline Lake were cut
off. A decline in the pike fishery quickly developed. Annual stocking
of northern pike spring fingerlings at the rate of 10/acre was initiated
in 1984. Although the largemouth bass sample was not large, we do know that the
fishery for them is very good. Baseline Lake is a popular stop for bass
tournaments because of the number and size of bass available, and the
good access. The age composition and survival characteristics of bluegills appear
to be normal with one exception (Table 3). Age-VI bluegills are much less
numerous than age-VII bluegills. This may indicate a weak year class or
high mortality of that particular year class. Age-II bluegill may also
represent a very strong year class. Older bluegill are well represented
in the sample. No conclusions on age composition and survival can be drawn
for the other species in Table 3 because of inadequate samples. The overall fishery of Baseline Lake is good. The physical/chemical
environment appears to have changed little in the past 30 years. Fishing
today is better for bluegills than it has been for many decades. While
it is hard to say just how good the fishery of 2050 years ago really
was for other species, I believe most anglers would agree that it is quite
good today. As a lake that provides good fishing for at least 4 to 5 game
species, Baseline Lake compares well to other good lakes in the region.
Why has the previous "poor" bluegill fishery reversed itself today
to a "good" fishery? A combination of many factors may be at work. These
may include increased weed treatments since the mid-1980's, decreased
recruitment of bluegills caused by largemouth bass predation, increased
harvest of bluegills by anglers, or perhaps increased nutrient loading.
Schneider (1990) developed five criteria for ranking bluegill populations
from survey catches. From the 1988 trap net sample of 1,214 bluegills,
the population then ranked a 4.8 (good) on a scale of 17. In the
most current survey bluegills ranked a 6.3 (excellent), one of the highest
ratings a lake in this region has received.
Management Direction The only direct management currently required for Baseline Lake is the
continued stocking of northern pike fingerlings at the rate of 10/acre
each year. We really have no idea the extent of any actual reproduction,
so stocking should continue. A year "break" in the stocking will be scheduled
soon to allow us to evaluate natural reproduction during the next survey.
A full survey, including all netting options and electroshocking, will
be conducted by the year 2000. Baseline Lake should provide good fishing for a variety of game fish
for years to come. Our main goal will be to maintain the present status
of the fishery. This may prove to be difficult. If the lakes' pike population
is totally relying on recruitment from the hatchery, we may not be able
to provide good pike stock for the lake each year. Dietary problems within
the hatchery are reducing the quality of this supply. If bass tournaments
continue to increase in frequency at Baseline Lake, the bass population
may be reduced, and that in turn may harm the bluegill population. Water quality problems also need to be addressed, as excessive turbidity
and algae blooms are common. Fish populations at present are limited to
the top 11 feet of water during the summer months. These chemical "problems"
may be related to the farming practices in the watershed, and should be
addressed as the opportunities arise. Report completed: June 1991.
References Schneider, J.C. 1990. Classifying bluegill populations from lake survey
data, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Technical Report
9010, Ann Arbor. Table 1.-Number, weight, and length (inches) of
fish collected from Baseline Lake with trap, fyke, and gill nets, April
17-18, 1990.
1Note some fish were measured to 0.1 inch, others to inch
group: e.g,. "5" = 5.0 to 5.9 inches, "12" = 12.0 to 12.9 inches; etc. 2Percent legal size or acceptable size for angling. Legal size
or acceptable size for angling is given in parentheses. Table 2.-Average total length (inches) at age, and growth relative
to the state average, for fish sampled from Baseline Lake with trap, fyke,
and gill nets, April 17-18, 1990. Number of fish aged is given in parentheses.
Top average is weighted by length frequency distribution; bottom average
is not weighted.
1Mean growth index is the average deviation from the state average length at age. Table 3.-Estimated age frequency (percent) of fish caught from
Baseline Lake with trap, fyke, and gill nets, April 17-18, 1990.
BASELINE LAKE Allegan County (1N, 13W, Sections 32 and 33) MANAGEMENT PLAN
based on Status of the Fishery Resource Report 91-13 James L. Dexter, Jr.
Two major management goals exist for Baseline Lake based on the 1988
and 1990 samples. Goal number one is to maintain the present fishery without
impacting negatively on growth rates. Progress toward this goal will be
monitored by contact with anglers who fish this lake, and by a more comprehensive
survey within the next 10 years. This survey should include the same gear
used in 1990 with the addition of 1-2 hours of nighttime electroshocking.
This data can then be compared to past surveys and will enable us to detect
important trends in game fish populations. Goal number two is to evaluate the extent of natural reproduction by
northern pike. This will be accomplished by not stocking pike at least
1 year, that year being 3 to 4 years before the next planned survey. More
effort in that survey with gill nets should yield enough pike for us determine
the amount of reproduction. Substantial reproduction would allow us to
drop Baseline Lake from the stocking list. The worst obstacles to reaching the stated goals include increasing weeds,
water quality conditions that may decline to a point where fish populations
are severely impacted, and an increase in the use of the lake by bass
clubs for tournaments. Substantial changes in bass population structure
will most likely have a profound impact on the bluegill population. The
expected yield of stocked northern pike to the fishing at Baseline Lake
is uncertain because the amount of natural reproduction is unknown. Assuming
that the entire pike population is from our stockings, we can optimistically
expect a yield of 10% of the pike stocked, considering the poor quality
of the hatchery-reared pike. Most will be harvested in the 20 to 25-inch
range, but some should also reach a larger size and provide a quality
fishing experience. Plan completed: June, 1991. Approved: David C. Johnson, District Biologist, August, 1991. Donald Reynolds, Regional Biologist, September, 1991. |
Last Update: 08/07/02 Web Author: Tina M. Tincher, Librarian
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