Michigan Department of Natural Resources Jackson County (T1 and 2S, R2E, Sections 1,2,35, and 36) Surveyed June 1995 Michael P. Herman Environment Clear Lake is located in extreme eastern Jackson County, less than 1
mile from the Washtenaw County line. The small community of Waterloo is
less than 2 miles to the north and the City of Jackson is approximately
12 miles to the southwest (Figure 1).
This lake, in the Waterloo Recreation Area, is surrounded by rolling,
tree-covered hills. Clear Lake is included in the Upper Grand River watershed
and was mapped in 1944 by the Michigan Department of Conservation. Permanent
homes and cottages now surround nearly 75% of the shoreline. A county
park on the western shore offers swimming, shore fishing and carry-on
boat access, but there is no public boat launch. Clear Lake spans 136
acres and has one major basin with a maximum depth of 34 feet (Figure
2). Basin substrates are composed mainly of marl, with lesser amounts
of sand and fibrous peat. There are no large inlets and spring-flow from
the surrounding hills maintains the lake water level. Water exits the
lake through a small outlet along the northern shore. A concrete sill
at this site helps to maintain the water level in the lake. In 1944, an inventory of aquatic plants was conducted. Chara sp.,
a macro-algae, was found to be the most common plant in the lake. Lily
pads, bulrushes, pondweeds and many other plant species common to area
lakes were also found. Based on observations made during the 1991 and
1995 surveys, the aquatic plant community of Clear Lake has remained relatively
unchanged. The first scientific survey of Clear lake was conducted in 1890. Captured
in gill nets were bluegill, perch [yellow], sunfish [pumpkinseed],
and "big mouth bass" [largemouth bass]. Bluegills were reported
to be large, and perch and bass to be small but very plump and "hard."
The stocking of "eels" [American eels, very popular at the time]
and "black bass" [smallmouth bass] was recommended because none
were present. The next recorded inventory of biological and physical features of Clear
Lake occurred in 1936. At that time, there were numerous cottages, a few
resorts and at least one boat livery. Even at that time, summer fishing
pressure was reported as "heavy" and the lake had a good fishing reputation.
During the 1936 study, a rather typical collection of warmwater fish was
observed that included bluegill, largemouth bass, yellow perch, pumpkinseed,
rock bass, green sunfish, mud pickerel, black crappie, brown and yellow
bullheads, as well as a variety of shiners, darters and minnows. Data on fishing pressure and catch were collected during the winters
of 1935-36, 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39, and also during the summer of
1939 (Hazzard and Eschmeyer 1938; Clark 1939 and 1940). Clear Lake received
relatively heavy fishing pressure compared to other lakes in the Waterloo
area. Winter catch rates varied from 0.7 to 1.0 fish/hour and 9.1 to 28.3
fish/acre, composed primarily of yellow perch, bluegill and black crappie.
Catch rate for the summer of 1939 was 1.9 fish/hour and 136 fish/acre,
composed primarily of bluegill, pumpkinseed, yellow perch, and largemouth
bass. Some northern pike were caught. Stocking records show that Clear Lake was planted with bluegills, bass,
and yellow perch several times between 1937 and 1946. This was a common
practice in public waters until fishery research showed that such stocking
was unnecessary and uneconomical. In 1946, approximately 3000 fingerling
smallmouth bass were stocked. Sandy shoals with fair amounts of gravel
led to expectations of smallmouth bass reproduction. Apparently similar
considerations were made when walleye fry were stocked from 1951 through
1955. Subsequent surveys and fishing reports indicate that neither of
these species survived. A more detailed fish survey of Clear Lake was conducted in 1956. Trap
nets, gill nets, and seines were used in an effort to fully evaluate the
fish population. The same species were found with the addition bowfin
(dogfish). The growth rates of game fish captured in 1956 were analyzed
using fish scales. Average growth rates for most species were found to
be below state averages. Yet, pumpkinseed, yellow perch, and rock bass
appeared to be growing above state average rates. Another fish survey in 1961 resulted in the capture of nearly 4,400 fish.
During this survey, a 1600-foot long seine was used to sample approximately
10 acres of the lake. Once again, growth rates were poor. Bluegills and
black crappie were found to be growing an inch or more below state average
growth rates. Largemouth bass and northern pike were growing more than
2 inches below state averages. Only pumpkinseed sunfish and yellow perch
were growing at average rates. The largest bluegill captured during that
survey was 7.3 inches long. A survey in 1971 using gill, fyke and trap nets again captured many fish,
but of relatively small size. Growth was not analyzed, but observers reported
that bluegills appeared "stunted" while pumpkinseeds were in fair condition.
The average size of the pumpkinseed catch was 5.9 inches, which was nearly
0.5 inch above the bluegill average size. In 1985, another intensive survey of the fish population indicated that
growth trends over time were very stable and, in general, well below state
averages. The average growth rates for bluegills and crappie were well
below state growth rates. Some larger bluegills were captured in this
survey (up to 8.3 inches), but they were found to be old fish. In fact,
over 71% of scale-sampled bluegills were 5 years old or older. After the
1985 study, it was concluded that fish were growing slower, but surviving
longer than in other comparable lakes. This resulted in a fair to good
panfish fishery. Pumpkinseeds once again sported a larger average size
than bluegills. Fishing pressure remained "intense" during that period
with many reports of limit catches of bluegills in the first few weeks
of the 1985/86 ice fishery. Because pumpkinseed sunfish have consistently exhibited good growth and
condition in Clear Lake, redear sunfish were stocked in 1987. Redear usually
do well in clear, marl bottom lakes. Snails are a preferred food item
of both pumpkinseed and redear. However, unlike pumpkinseed sunfish, redears
grow to much larger sizes and exceed 12 inches in some Michigan lakes. Smallmouth bass were stocked in Clear Lake in 1987 at the request of
Clear Lake riparians who remembered having some success in catching smallmouth
after they were stocked by the DNR in 1946. An experiment to raise smallmouth
bass in nearby Portage Creek Pond was all but a failure. The entire annual
production of 415 smallmouth bass fingerlings was stocked in Clear Lake.
Shortly after draining the Portage Creek Pond in 1987, the dam was inspected
and determined to be unsafe. Because the cost of repairing the dam was
prohibitive, the pond was abandoned. Another fishery survey using trap nets and gill nets was conducted in
1991 with the goal of evaluating the recent redear and smallmouth bass
plants as well as reviewing the status of the existing fishery (Towns
1991). Bluegills caught in trap nets averaged 6.5 inches and 73% were
large enough (>6 inches) to be considered as "keeper size" by most
anglers. However, most of the bluegills appeared thin and in rather poor
condition. Bluegill growth dynamics were again analyzed using fish scales.
As with all past surveys, bluegill growth was about 1 inch below the state
average rate. This survey resulted in a fair catch of pumpkinseeds which averaged 6.6
inches. Historically, this species has exhibited better growth rates and
larger average sizes than bluegills in Clear Lake and the results of the
1991 survey are no exception. Nineteen catfish ranging in size from 22
to 26 inches were caught in trap nets during this survey. They were completely
unexpected since we had no prior knowledge of their introduction. It was
later learned that one lake resident had stocked approximately 100 channel
catfish sometime in the mid-1980's. Pectoral spines were taken from several
of the catfish for the purpose of aging them and most were 7 years old
and appeared very healthy and in excellent condition. Only two smallmouth bass were captured during this survey. Both smallmouth
were over 12 inches and are likely the result of the 1987 fingerling plant
from Portage Creek Pond. Apparently, smallmouth bass did not survive well
or reproduce in Clear Lake because smallmouth habitat is a limiting factor. Redear sunfish proved to be a good addition to the fishery. Over 70 redear
sunfish were captured and they averaged an impressive 8.4 inches. A local
angler reported catching about 30 redear this size from shallow water
nests a few days prior to the 1991 survey. Many active redear sunfish
nests were observed in several shallow water areas of Clear Lake during
this survey. Clear Lake was last surveyed in early June of 1995 with four standard
trap nets (8 x 5 x 3-foot, 1.5-inch mesh) and two experimental gill nets
(125-feet long , six mesh panels). All of the nets were fished for 1 night.
Gamefish species captured during this survey in descending order of abundance
included bluegill, redear sunfish, largemouth bass, rock bass, bullhead,
pumpkinseed sunfish, black crappie, and yellow perch (Tables 1a and 1b).
Data on growth and age composition of gamefish are summarized in tables
2 and 3. Bluegills comprised 56% of all fish caught in trap nets and they averaged
5.8 inches. Out of 361 bluegills caught in trap nets, only 35% were over
6 inches long (Table 1a). Based on growth analysis using fish scales,
bluegills caught in trap and gill nets during the 1995 survey exhibited
growth rates that were approximately 1 inch below the state average (Table
2). Generally, few largemouth bass are captured with trap and gill nets.
However, 29 were caught during the 1995 survey and they averaged nearly
12 inches. Only 17% were over 14 inches, suggesting that legal-size bass
are probably significantly reduced by angler harvest from this lake. The
slow growth of largemouth bass in Clear Lake is not surprising and is
quite typical of similar lakes in the Jackson fisheries district. Pumpkinseeds caught in trap nets averaged nearly 7 inches and over 80%
of them were at least 6 inches or "keeper" size. Fish scale analysis showed
that pumpkinseed growth was near the state average. Evaluation of redear sunfish natural reproduction was a major objective
of the 1995 survey of Clear Lake. The survival of redears to adult spawning
size was evident during the 1991 survey of this lake when redears were
observed on nests. Results of the 1995 survey show that redear sunfish
natural reproduction has been highly successful in Clear Lake. Five year
classes of naturally reproduced redears presently exist in this lake (Table
2). Although survival and natural reproduction had been very good, redear
growth was quite poor over 1 inch below the state average for this species.
Growth evaluation of redears was not possible prior to this survey since
redears are a relatively recent introduction in Michigan waters and baseline
growth data was not previously available. Based on the past history of
slow panfish growth in this lake, it is likely that redear growth was
somewhat below average in 1991 also. As was true of bluegill and pumpkinseed
sunfish, redears captured during the 1995 survey exhibit their poorest
growth trends in their earlier years, suggesting that there was intense
competition for food resources at that time of their life. As these species
attained larger sizes, growth markedly improved. Even though redears were
somewhat slow-growing, they were not emaciated and appeared to be in relatively
good condition. Bluegills are targeted for sampling in inland lakes because of their
role in determining fish community structure and overall sportfishing
quality (Schneider 1981). Even though the goal of the lake surveys is
to sample all fish species and all sizes present, many times the bluegill
population is the only one adequately sampled because bluegills are typically
the most abundant fish. Recently, a ranking system has been developed
that allows fish managers to get an idea of the relative quality of a
lake's fish population (Schneider 1990). On a scale of 1 to 7, the quality
of the bluegill population in Clear Lake based on the trap net catch was
calculated as 2.5 or marginally "acceptable". Survey records show that species composition has remained quite constant
in Clear Lake (with the noted exceptions of stocked channel catfish and
redear sunfish) since the intensive survey in 1956, and probably since
the first survey in 1890. Growth of bluegill, pumpkinseed, largemouth
bass and rock bass has also remained remarkably consistent, although generally
poor over this time period. Age composition and survival characteristics
of the species listed in Table 2 appear to be normal based on scale sample
frequencies. Clear Lake supports a varied, although slow-growing fish community. Despite
slow growth and an only mediocre sport fishery, this lake produces significant
recreational fishing opportunities and plenty of fish for the table. The
one-time stocking of redear sunfish has been successful and several anglers
have reported catching these large panfish. Although somewhat slow-growing,
redears have survived well in Clear Lake and a significant number of redears
exceeding 10 inches were captured in trap nets during the 1995 survey.
The goal of a trophy panfish fishery has been achieved and it appears
that the redear population has become and will remain self-sustaining.
Channel catfish introduced by a Clear Lake riparian in the mid-1980's
have survived and grown remarkably well as evidenced by the channel catfish
catch during the 1991 survey. Although no channel cats were captured during
the 1995 survey, those observed in 1991 were already 7 years old and have
likely succumbed to old age. Continued stocking of this species may benefit
slow-growing panfish populations. Future management should be aimed at encouraging predators to improve
the growth and size of panfish. Largemouth bass are one of the main panfish
predators which presently exist in Clear Lake, but they are very desirable
sport fish and are often targeted by anglers who harvest fish. Because
channel catfish are probably caught less frequently than largemouth bass
and are long lived, stocked channel catfish would likely become more effective
predators on small panfish. Recent research has shown that stocked catfish
less than 8 inches are heavily preyed upon by largemouth bass (Storck
1988). The one-time introduction of large (6-8 inch) channel catfish fingerlings
in Clear Lake resulted in very good survival and growth of this species.
Therefore, large channel catfish fingerlings are recommended for stocking
in Clear Lake at the rate of 10/acre for a minimum of 3 years whenever
fingerlings become available. The installation of channel catfish spawning
structures in Clear Lake is also recommended with the hope of eventually
creating a self-sustaining channel catfish population. Based on the surface
acreage of Clear Lake, approximately 20 spawning receptacles (milk cans,
nail kegs or earthenware crocks) should be placed in 5-7 feet of water
for this purpose. Clear Lake presently supports good populations of bluegill, redear, rock
bass and largemouth bass for angling and anglers are generally satisfied
with the existing fishery. Even though most fish caught by Clear Lake
anglers are not large, they are quite abundant and provide significant
angling opportunity for many anglers. Other than channel catfish fingerling
introductions, no other fishery management is recommended at this time.
Natural reproduction, growth and survival of redears and channel catfish
should be monitored with another general fishery survey in the spring
of the year 2000. Report completed: December 30, 1996. Clark, O. H. 1939. Analysis of winter fishing on three lakes of the Waterloo
Area 1938-1939 and comparisons with 1935-36 and 1936-1937 records. Michigan
Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Research Report 535, Ann Arbor. Clark, O. H. 1940. An analysis of the annual fish catch on several Michigan
lakes winter of 1938-39 and summer of 1939. Michigan Department of Natural
Resources, Fisheries Research Report 588, Ann Arbor Hazaard, A. S., and R. W. Eschmeyer. 1938. Analysis of fishing in the
Waterloo project, winter of 1936-37. Michigan Department of Natural Resources,
Fisheries Research Report 471, Ann Arbor. Schneider, J.C. 1981. Fish communities in warmwater lakes. Michigan Department
of Natural Resources, Fisheries Research Report 1890, Ann Arbor. Schneider, J.C. 1990. Classifying bluegill populations from lake survey
data. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Technical Report
90-10, Ann Arbor. Towns, G.L. 1991. Clear Lake Status of the Fishery Resource Report. Michigan
Department of Natural Resources, Report 92-5, Jackson. Storck, T. 1988. Effects of Size at Stocking on Survival and Harvest
of Channel Catfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 8:98-101. Table 1a.-Number, weight and length indices of fish collected
from Clear Lake with trap nets, June 8, 1995.
Table 1b.-Number, weight and length indices of fish collected
from Clear Lake with gill nets, June 8, 1995.
Table 2.-Average total length (inches) at age, and growth relative
to the state average, for five species of fish sampled from Clear Lake
with trap and gill nets, June 8, 1995. Number of fish aged is given in
Table 3.-Estimated age frequency (percent) of five species of
fish caught from Clear Lake with trap and gill nets, June 8, 1995.
Last Update: 08/05/02
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