Hessel Marina

Hessel Marina

Harbor Reservations:

1-800-447-2757 or www.midnrreservations.com
Transient and seasonal slips available


46° 00’ 05” N 84° 25’ 30” W

Contact Information:

Phone: 906-484-3917
Off-season phone: 906-484-2672

Radio Channel:

9, 69

Dates Open:

Late May to mid-September



“Beautiful Hessel” is located in the west entrance of the Les Cheneaux Island’s perfectly protected channels and bays. Hessel Marina has much to offer: Clear, clean, deep water; 24 slips with updated electric; wifi; dog-friendly areas; laundry; pump out; gazebo; courteous knowledgeable service; picturesque scenery; and, as the motto goes, “No hassles in Hessel.” Hessel offers dining, shopping, a public swim beach, nearby airport, fishing and numerous special events. We are easy to reach and hard to leave.

Les Cheneaux Islands Chamber of Commerce: 906-484-3935