2006-07 EEMO (F-80-R-8)
Experiments, Evaluations, and Model Development

Asterisk(*) Indicates Study Final Report

Study number


Study 230464

Statewide coded-wire tagging and tag recovery program.

Study 230482*

Investigations into causes of, and solutions for, variable survival of Chinook salmon stocked into Lake Huron.

Study 230487

Performance, survival, and production of steelhead strains in tributaries of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.

Study 230515

Evaluation of the relative growth and survival of Assinica, Nipigon, and Iron River-strain brook trout stocked into small inland lakes.

Study 230519

Colonization of a brook trout stream by introduced brown trout.

Study 230520*

Evaluation of Michigan�s inland fish stocking program and optimizing allocation of stocking resources by a system analysis.

Study 230521

Influence of lotic and nearshore habitats on fish populations in Great Lakes and inland lake ecosystems, with emphasis on walleye.

Study 230547

Quantifying the effects of anthropogenic development on lake food webs.

Study 230550

Energetics approach to predicting growth, maturation, and fecundity of largemouth bass, bluegill, and walleye.

Study 230654

Evaluation of brown trout and steelhead competitive interactions in Hunt Creek, Michigan.

Study 230669*

Prey selection and predation rate of piscivorous fish.

Study 230682

Pond rearing of juvenile lake sturgeon.

Study 230692

Influence of total length and conditions at stocking on Chinook salmon survival and time at large.

Study 230696

Comparison of the recreational fisheries produced by stocking of spring and fall yearling brown trout, Lake Huron.

Study 230701

Decision-support tools for managing fisheries of inland lakes.

Study 230702

Effects of sediment traps on Michigan river channels.

Study 230703

Lakewide assessment of the contribution of natural recruitment to the chinook salmon population of Lake Huron.

Study 230713

Improving fishery stock assessments in the Great Lakes.

Study 230722

Implications of lakeshore development for fishery resources in Michigan.

Study 230724

The importance of trophic interactions for salmonine fisheries of the Great Lakes.

Study 230728

Effects of Piscirickettsia infection on the muskellunge population of Lake St. Clair.

Study 230732*

Factors affecting lake sturgeon recruitment: a model system for species recovery in Michigan waters of the Great Lakes.

Study 230738

Improve and validate river segment identification and classification models for assessing fishery potential and environmental impairment in Michigan.

Study 230743

Evaluation of Eagle Lake and Lake Michigan steelhead-strain rainbow trout stocked into inland lakes in Michigan.