
Designed to help start a web project, the SOM Responsive Template is designed to provide the design framework for a new application. Using this template, which leverages Bootstrap, jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3, new applications can be created quickly and fit within designated design standards.

Getting Started

Getting started is easy! Download the template here. Once downloaded, extract the files and start coding!


Examples can be found within the examples folder. Within that folder, you'll find a multitude of solutions for common web tasks.

Use the preexisting examples to help create any new pages for yor project.

View the example pages.

Folder Structure

Template folder structure is as follows:

  • examples/
    • Contains a set of predefined examples and widgets
    • Optional to template functionality, and may be removed
  • js/
    • Contains a configuration file for the application (config.js). Custom settings should be applied here.
    • Required for template functionality, and may not be removed
    • Additional JavaScript files should be included here and referenced as needed
  • lib/
    • Contains core template functionality
    • Required for template functionality, and may not be removed or altered
    • Reference files within lib/ to provide template functionality
    • Examples can be found within the examples/ folder


Download the template here. This zip will contain all needed assets to use this template.