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List of Inland Studies and Publications for 1997-98

* Indicates Study Final Reports

Study number


Study 608Study 631.* Inventory and classification of warmwater river fish communities.
Study 608Study 646. Inland creel surveys.
Study 608Study 654. Evaluation of brown trout and steelhead competitive interactions in Hunt Creek, Michigan.
Study 608Study 655. The effects of different levels of summer dewatering and a validation test of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology. (IFIM) in a Michigan brook trout stream.
Study 608Study 661. Evaluation of lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens populations in northern Michigan.
Study 608Study 662. Inventory and classification of Michigan rivers and river fish communities.
Study 608Study 665. Investigation of causes of declines in Au Sable River brown trout populations.
Study 608Study 667. Redesign of sportfishing creel surveys.
Study 608Study 668. Guidelines for the interpretation of lake surveys.
Study 608Study 669. Prey selection and predation rate of piscivorous fish.
Study 608Study 670.* Development of decision tools for river management.
Study 608Study 673. Evaluation of on-site angler survey methods.
Study 608Study 674. Compilation of databases on Michigan lakes.

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Last Update: 02/10/2000
Web Author: Alan D. Sutton