Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Fisheries Research Report No. 1870, 1979

The Fish Population and Harvest in Sugarloaf Lake, Washtenaw County, in 1962 Compared to 1948-55

Percy W. Laarman and James C. Schneider

      Abstract.-Population data collected at Sugarloaf Lake from 1948 to 1962 are summarized and compared. The data set includes mark-and-recapture estimates of larger fish, by species, in 7 years; survival estimates based on age-frequency collections in 4 years; and estimates of angler catch in all years. Because of trap net size selectivity, it is believed that the estimates of population size are somewhat low and the estimates of survival somewhat high. The data indicate that the total population was quite stable and exploitation was moderate. Raising the size limit on largemouth bass reduced the harvest and rates of fishing mortality considerably and probably improved bass survival slightly. Raising the size limit on northern pike reduced the rate of harvest slightly but had no noticeable effect on the pike population.