Report Number Fisheries Technical Report Abstract
2006-1 O'Neal, Richard. 2006. Evaluation of the Fish Community and Related Ecological Features of the Middle Branch River, Osceola County. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Technical Report 2006-1, Ann Arbor. (PDF) 2006-1 Abstract
2006-2 Rakoczy, G.P. and D.L. Wesander. 2006. Charter Boat Catch and Effort from the Michigan Waters of the Great Lakes, 2000. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Technical Report 2006-2, Ann Arbor. (PDF) 2006-2 Abstract
2006-3 Rakoczy, G.P. and D.L. Wesander. 2006. Charter Boat Catch and Effort from the Michigan Waters of the Great Lakes, 2001. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Technical Report 2006-3, Ann Arbor. (PDF) 2006-3 Abstract
2006-4 Baker, Edward A. 2006. Lake Sturgeon Distribution and Status in Michigan, 1996-2005. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Technical Report 2006-4, Ann Arbor. (PDF) 2006-4 Abstract