# $Header: /netrcs/RCS/oracle/network/nm/nmi/test/RCS/readme,v 1.2 1996/02/06 01:42:56 stalebbe Exp $ AT Directory Structure: agent/docs subdirectory: This directory contains postscripts files of the AT set up and installation and AT design overview documents. agent/run subdirectory: This directory contains oratst scripts (AT test suite drivers) and their utility Unix shell scripts. This is where the tests should be executed. agent/output subdirectory: This directory contains all the output files generated by the execution of the AT tes suites. This is where the analysis of the test results should be done. agent/scripts subdirectory: This directory contains the set of test inputs to the agent process, brought up by executing the agent event/job tests. Each subdirectory contains the test inputs for an event/job of the agent. The name of the test input file has the following convention: nmit#.inp where # corresponds to the test number. A file with a particular test number is associated with a file under the corresponding event subdirectory of sql and gold directory. For example, .../agent/scripts/bufcache/nmit2.inp is associated with .../agent/sql/bufcache/test2.sql and .../agent/gold/bufcache/nmit2.log. agent/sql subdirectory: These subdirectories contain: - sql tests test*.sql - test configuration files test*c.tsc - init.sql and cleanup.sql for initializing and cleaning up the test run. agent/gold subdirectory: These subdirectories contain files which are used to verify the results of the test runs.