Template Options

Body Area Only

Horizontal Main Nav

Horizontal Main Nav with Children

Horizontal Main Nav with Right Sidebar

Vertical Main Nav

Vertical Main Nav with Children

Vertical Main Nav with Right Sidebar

Example Login Screen



HTML5 & CSS3 are the latest and recommended syntax for front-end development. To keep pace with the evolution of design and for maintainability purposes, the template was built using these two technologies. Both are largely supported in all modern browsers.

The project includes two unique css files; som-custom.css and styles.css. som-custom.css was used to create the templates which includes Bootstrap overrides and custom classes. style.css is available to development teams to extend front-end development. Default media queries have been added to the file. Bootstrap and the template were build mobile first. All css should be applied to the mobile device by default and then altered in media queries for tablet and desktop.


Bootstrap is a powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. The template leverages grid scaffolding and navigation for responsive layouts. It also offers development teams consistent UI features such as typography, forms, buttons, and icons.


JQuery is a free, open-source JavaScript library designed to simplify client-side scripting of DOM elements. The JQuery library is included in the template to aide in front-end development.

Media Queries

Combined with a fluid grid, media queries enable media device responsiveness based on screen resolution. Standard breakpoints have been used in the template but there are several media queries available in the mediaqueries.css file to help with project requirements.

Cross Browser Tested

The templates were cross-browser tested with IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.