Special Feature Gardens:
- Backyard Wildlife: To Feed A
Hummingbird, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension
Describes plants and nectar feeding for attracting humming birds to your backyard. Some
information is specific to Nebraska.
- Beyond the
Basics: Attracting Specific Wildlife, National Wildlife Federation
Good information on both butterflies and hummingbirds.
- Butterflies at the Outdoor
Good gardening tips.
- Butterflies &
Bats Information Category from About.com
Some articles from their own expert mixed with links from all over.
- Butterflies
of North America, USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Photos, species accounts, and combined maps for the butterflies of the U.S., northern
Mexico and Canada.
- Butterfly Gardening,
Short and quick, but informative - specific to Michigan.
- Butterfly Gardening,
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension
Outlines planting schemes and arrangements that will help attract butterflies to a
garden area. Includes and extensive list of references.
- Butterfly Gardens,
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
"Luring Nature's Loveliest Pollinators to Your Yard" - essays from the book.
- Butterfly Gardens & Habitats, North
American Butterfly Association
Regional butterfly gardening brochures can be ordered or downloaded.
- The Butterfly Habitat
Garden, The Smithsonian Institution
Lots of information on butterflies in general and how to create your own butterfly
- The Butterfly Web Site
Be sure to check out the incredibly extensive "Articles & Info" section.
- Butterfly Zone
Information about butterflies (regional), attracting butterflies and wildflower seed
- Debbie's Tips for Attracting and
Feeding Hummingbirds, BirdWatchers.com
Good tips for attracting hummers.
- Enjoy Backyard Wildlife
with a Butterfly, Moth and Hummingbird Garden, Minnesota Department of Natural
Top choices of flowers for a beautiful garden and garden designs.
- Gardening
and Native
Plants, University of Minnesota Extension Service
Butterfly and prairie gardening articles.
- Gardening with
Native Manitoba Plants, Nature North Zine
Good overview of prairies and prairie gardening with an emphasis on Manitoba.
- How to Create Your Own
Wildflower Meadow, Windstar Wildlife Institute
A family nature project for all ages.
- Hummingbirds.net
Includes information on attracting, watching, feeding, and studying North
American hummingbirds.
- Hummingbirds and
Butterflies, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension
Good tips and extensive plant lists, including caterpillar host plants.
- The Hummingbirds Web Site
Be sure to check out the incredibly extensive "Articles" section.
- Meadow Gardening,
Cornell Cooperative Extension
What you need to know BEFORE you start your garden.
- Non-technical Resources,
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Includes two articles on ruby-throated hummingbirds and how to attract them with
- Prairie and Wildflower
Plantings, Northern Gardening
An interesting article on establishing a wildflower meadow or prairie garden.
- Prairie Design
& Establishment, Prairie Nursery, Inc.
Good information in a series of short articles.
- Prairie Establishment and
Landscaping, Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Extensive information about prairies in general and establishing prairies.
- Prairie Wildflowers,
Purdue University Consumer Horticulture
Brief but informative.
- prairiesource.com
A wildflower reference guide and much, much more.
- Unpave the Way for
Hummingbirds, Journey North
Basic information, including a generic plant list.
- Wildflower & Prairie Grass
Planting Instructions, Prairie Frontiers
Good article with before, during and after information.
- Wildflower Test Results,
Michigan State University
Results of tests to determine whether readily-available wildflower seed mixes produce
a work-free meadow as advertised.
- Wildflowers
in the Home Landscape (PDF 42KB), Missouri University Extension
Really good, extensive article. With a section on "Field or Meadow Wildflower
Butterfly, Hummingbird & Prairie Plant Lists:
See Also Resource Links For:
Last Revised: May 5, 2000