Trees & Shrubs:
- 680 Tree Fact Sheets in Adobe PDF
Format, University of Florida
Sorted by plant family, common name or scientific name.
- 9 Things You Should Know About
Trees, The National Arbor Day Foundation
Good tips and techniques mixed with general information.
- Attracting
Birds Using Trees and Shrubs, About.com
A general overview from About.com's Birding/Wild Birds expert.
- Horticulture publications - Trees
and shrubs, University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension
Multiple publications on tree and shrub planting and care.
- How to Prune Trees, USDA
Forest Service - St. Paul Field Office
Very detailed guide to pruning trees.
- Native
Trees for Landscape Use, University of Minnesota Extension Service
Not specifically for wildlife, but includes information on transplanting from the wild.
- Northern Gardening
Short articles with good tips.
- Planting Landscape Trees and
Shrubs (PDF 172 KB), Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service
Although not specifically for wildlife use, provides good information as to when and
how to plant.
- Planting Shrubs for
Wildlife, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Good general overview.
- Plants Database, USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service
Searchable database and fact sheets for native and non-native plants.
- Pruning Woody Plants,
Delaware Cooperative Extension
Includes methods and general principles of pruning.
- Shrubs, Michigan
State University
Multiple articles covering planting, through after-planting care of shrubs.
- Shrubs for Wildlife,
Nebraska Game & Parks Commission
A quick overview with a short list of recommended shrubs.
- so you want to
plant a tree..., USDA Forest Service - St. Paul Field Office
Tips for choosing the right tree for the site to getting it in the ground
- The Right Tree Handbook, Minnesota
Power Electric
Tree selections for planting under and near power lines and other locations. Not
exactly wildlife focused, but includes lots of tree factsheets.
- Tree &
Shrub Care, University of Minnesota Extension Service
Multiple articles on planting and pruning trees.
- Tree care and
maintenance, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Includes sections on tree planting, maintenance and forest health.
- Tree Care Consumer Information,
International Society of Arboriculture
Excellent guides to everything from how to buy a tree to long term maintenance of trees
- Tree Facts & Tips,
University of Minnesota Extension Service; Forest Resources Extension
Care for trees - including information on diagnosing problems.
- Tree Planting,
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension
Many good articles on trees and shrubs, with an emphasis on the Nebraska area.
- Tree Planting, USDA Natural
Resources Conservation Service
Step-by-step instructions from choosing a tree through planting it.
- Tree Planting in
Michigan, Michigan State University Extension
Specific information for our local soil and climatic conditions.
- Trees, Michigan State
Multiple articles covering planting, through after-planting care of trees.
- Trees and Trees & Shrubs
Information Categories from About.com
Some articles from their own experts mixed with links from all over.
- Trees and Shrubs,
University of Missouri Extension
Lots of articles with an especially good section on selecting trees for different
- What Tree is That? The National
Arbor Day Foundation
An identification tool even non-botanists can use.
- Wisconsin State Nursery
Program, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Provides valuable information about planting trees in general and planting for
Tree & Shrub Plant Lists:
See Also Resource Links For:
Last Revised: May 5, 2000