Homes for Wildlife:
- Backyard
birding notes, Travis Audubon Society
Brief, but informative notes about many aspects of birdhouses.
- Basic Survival Needs, Nutty
Dos and Don'ts, a specifications table and more.
- Bird
Houses For Songbirds, Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Brief, but includes a dimensions chart and some species specific information.
- Birdhouse Basics,
University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Explanations on how to build houses for different kinds of birds and tips for setting
them up.
- Birdhouses/Feeders
Information Category from About.com
Some articles from their own expert mixed with links from all over.
- Build A
Birdhouse, USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Background information and plans for songbird houses.
- Butterfly Houses, The
Butterfly WebSite
A discussion on the potential uselessness of butterfly "hibernating boxes."
- Conservation Articles
Available, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
See especially numbers 67, 68, 70 and 101.
- Den Boxes for Squirrels,
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service
Background information on squirrels and den boxes, with building and installation
instructions at the end.
- Floating Habitat Plans and Instructions,
Ted Andresen
A personal web page with an incredible amount of good information.
- Habitat Management
Fact Sheets, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
A couple of sheets on structures for wildlife.
- Homes for Birds, USFWS
Office of Migratory Bird Mangement
Very detailed pamphlet with some species specific information.
- Nest boxes for birds,
Canadian Wildlife Service
Good article with lots of information, box size tables, and diagrams.
- Purple Martin Conservation Association
Lots of information about attracting and managing purple martins by using houses.
- Recommended Dimensions for Birdhouses,
Farm Bill Network
An extensive chart, by species.
- Selected Articles, WindStar
Wildlife Institute
The bird section has several species specific articles about houses.
- Shelves, Houses and Feeders for
Birds and Mammals (PDF - 794 KB), University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension
A 49 page book with lots of instructions and diagrams for many different species.
Includes a section on using recycled materials.
- Toad
Abode, National Wildlife Federation
A simple water and cover feature for amphibians.
- Wildlife
Publications, Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Shelters for wildlife, bird houses for songbirds and bat houses, too!
- Wood Duck Nesting Box,
Ducks Unlimited
Background and diagram.
- Woodworking for Wildlife,
Missouri Department of Conservation
Lots of different species specific plans for mammals and birds.
- Working with
Wildlife Series Catalog, North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Includes several articles about wildlife homes and nest boxes.
See Also Resource Links For:
Last Revised: May 5, 2000