- Birds and
Wildflowers, About.com
An article about the ties between wildlife and wildflowers in the backyard.
- Common
Questions about Wildflowers and Native Plants, University of Minnesota Extension
The title tells it all. The answers are good, too.
- How to Create Your Own
Wildflower Meadow, Windstar Wildlife Institute
A family nature project for all ages.
- The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Wildflowers and more!
- Michigan
Wildflowers 1999 and Michigan
Wildflowers 2000, CC-CHS Biology Project
An extensive catalog of native and non-native wildflower pictures taken in Michigan.
- Native Wildflowers, Prairie
Lists of native wildflowers, organized by color groups, with photos, sun, moisture,
height and blooming information.
- Plants Database, USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service
Searchable database and fact sheets for native and non-native plants.
- Prairie and Wildflower
Plantings, Northern Gardening
An interesting article on establishing a wildflower meadow or prairie garden.
- prairiesource.com
A wildflower reference guide and much, much more.
- Weed Management for
Wildflowers (HTML or PDF
49KB ), North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension
Maintenance and long-term weed management of wildflower plantings.
- Wildflower & Prairie Grass
Planting Instructions, Prairie Frontiers
Good article with before, during and after information.
- Wildflower Gardening,
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Natives and non-natives, with tips on how to grow them.
- Wildflower
Meadows, GardenGuides.com
A brief list of tips and techniques for creating a beautiful wildflower meadow.
- Wildflower
Plantings (PDF 715KB), USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
A conservation management sheet with lots of information and help.
- Wildflowers,
Michigan State University Extension
Articles covering wildflowers for many different land types.
- Wildflowers, GardenWeb
Links to the various resources GardenWeb has relating to wildflowers and native plants.
- Wildflowers for the Home
Landscape, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension
This brief article takes you from site selection through maintenance and includes a
good reference section.
- Wildflowers in bloom,
Texas Agricultural Extension Service
Lots of information applicable to all parts of the U.S.
- Wildflowers
in the Home Landscape (PDF 42KB), Missouri University Extension
Really good, extensive article.
See Also Resource Links For:
Last Revised: May 5, 2000