www2.dnr.state.mi.us - /ftp/forestry/tsreports/StumpagePriceReports/12 Month Stumpage Price Reports/2014 Stumpage Price Reports, 12 Months/

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3/24/2014 11:41 AM 89413 01-01-2013 to 12-31-2013.CSV
4/16/2014 11:01 AM 90087 04-01-2013 to 03-31-2014.CSV
7/23/2014 2:47 PM 94744 07-01-2013 to 06-30-2014.CSV
10/23/2014 11:11 AM 96117 10-01-2013 to 09-30-2014.CSV
1/27/2014 9:56 AM 210674 1st_Qtr_January_2014.pdf
4/16/2014 10:34 AM 212775 2nd_Qtr_April_2014.pdf
7/23/2014 2:09 PM 217556 3rd_Qtr_July_2014.pdf
10/23/2014 10:33 AM 222117 4th_Qtr_Oct_2014.pdf