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Research Report Numbers 1749 to 1700

(Reports #'s prior to 1700 are not yet available online)
(From Research Report 1799 to 1750)

1949 Hay-Chmielewski, E. M. 1987. Habitat preferences and movement patterns of the lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in Black Lake, Michigan. ABSTRACT

1948 Fielder, D. G. 1987. An assessment of the introduction of summer steelhead into Michigan. (M.S. thesis). ABSTRACT

1947 Haak, R. J. 1987. Mortality, growth, and yield of channel catfish in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. ABSTRACT

1946 Hayes, D. B. 1988. Potential for competition between yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) in two northern Michigan lakes. ABSTRACT

1945 Wagner, W. C. 1988. Largemouth bass in Michigan's Upper Peninsula lakes. ABSTRACT

1944 Bryant, W. C. 1988. Distribution and population dynamics of smallmouth bass in Anchor Bay, Lake St.Clair. ABSTRACT

1943 Alexander, G. R., and E. A. Hansen. 1988. Decline and recovery of a brook trout stream following an experimental addition of sand sediment. ABSTRACT

1942 Peck, J. W. 1986. Fecundity of hatchery-origin and wild lake trout in Lake Superior. ABSTRACT

1941 Loftus, A. J. 1986. An evaluation of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) hooking mortality in the upper Great Lakes. ABSTRACT

1940 Not used.

1939 Clark, R. D., Jr. 1986. Minimizing cost of transporting fish from hatcheries to public fishing waters. ABSTRACT

1938 Laarman, P. W., and J. C. Schneider. 1986. Walleye stocking experiments and fish population studies at Manistee Lake, 1972-84. ABSTRACT

1937 Ryckman, J. R. 1986. Effectiveness of fish ladders in the Grand River. ABSTRACT

1936 Anderson, E. R. 1985. A partial bibliography for the sturgeon family Acipenseridae. INTRODUCTION

1935 Seelbach, P. W. 1985. Smolt migration of wild and hatchery-raised coho and chinook salmon in a tributary of northern Lake Michigan. ABSTRACT

1934 Seelbach, P. W. 1985. Smolting success of hatchery-raised steelhead planted in a Michigan tributary of northern Lake Michigan. ABSTRACT

1933 Wagner, W. C. 1985. Size, age, and fecundity of pink salmon in Michigan. ABSTRACT

1932 Merna, J. W. 1985. Effects of TFM lampricide treatment of streams on resident trout populations and benthic communities. ABSTRACT

1931 Laarman, P. W., and J. C. Schneider. 1985. Maturity and fecundity of largemouth bass as a function of age and size. ABSTRACT

1930 Rybicki, R. W. 1985. Feasibility of trap nets for harvesting, and observations on distribution, growth, and survival of yellow perch, in southern Lake Michigan, 1978-79. ABSTRACT

1929 Alexander, G. R. 1985. Comparative growth rates of brown trout from four wild stocks and one domestic stock. ABSTRACT

1928 Alexander, G. R. 1985. Potential effects of delaying the opening date of fishing season on yield and production of rainbow trout in a small Michigan lake. ABSTRACT

1927 Clark, R. D., Jr., and G. R. Alexander. 1984. Effects of a slotted size limit on the brown trout fishery of the Au Sable River, Michigan. ABSTRACT

1926 Clark, R. D., Jr., and G. R. Alexander. 1984. Effects of a slotted size limit on a multispecies trout fishery. ABSTRACT

1925 Galbraith, M. G., Jr., and J. C. Schneider. 1984. Fishing at Chesterfield Pier, Lake St. Clair, and an evaluation of tires and soybean meal as fish attractors. ABSTRACT

1924 Beyerle, G. B. An evaluation of the tiger muskellunge stocking program in Michigan. ABSTRACT

1923 Beyerle, G. B. 1984. Survival and growth of early- and normal-plant tiger muskellunge stocked in a small lake with forage fish and largemouth bass. ABSTRACT

1922 Ryckman, J. R., and R. N. Lockwood. 1985. On-site creel surveys in Michigan, 1975-82. ABSTRACT

1921 Gowing, H. 1984. Survival and growth of match plantings of Assinica strain brook trout and hybrid brook trout (Assinica male x domestic female) in six Michigan lakes. ABSTRACT

1920 Beyerle, G. B. 1984. Comparative survival of pellet-reared muskellunge stocked as fingerlings in bluegill ponds with and without largemouth bass. ABSTRACT

1919 Peck, J. W. 1984. Lake trout reproduction on a man-made spawning reef. ABSTRACT

1918 Bryant, W. C. 1984. Status of the walleye in Michigan waters of Lake Erie and connecting waters, 1980-1983. ABSTRACT

1917 Clark, R. D., Jr. 1984. The effects of fishing regulations on annual fluctuations in abundance and harvest. ABSTRACT

1916 Fenske, J. L. 1983. Attitudes and attributes of anglers who fish for trout in Michigan. (M.S. thesis). ABSTRACT

1915 Schneider, J. C. 1984. Yellow perch maturity and fecundity as a function of age and growth. ABSTRACT

1914 Rybicki, R. W. 1983. Lake trout populations in Michigan waters of Lake Michigan, 1976-1982. ABSTRACT

1913 Cosentino, P. M. 1983. Fish community structure and the utilization of Harsens Island marsh-bay complex, Lake St. Clair. (M.S. thesis). ABSTRACT

1912 Rakoczy, G. P. 1983. Harvest levels for commercially exploited stocks of lake whitefish in Michigan waters of Lake Superior. ABSTRACT

1911 Koziol, A. M. 1982. Dynamics of lightly exploited populations of the lake whitefish, Isle Royale vicinity, Lake Superior. (M.S. thesis). ABSTRACT

1910 Beyerle, G. B. 1983. Survival and growth of 5-, 10-, and 15-cm walleye fingerlings stocked in ponds with bluegills. ABSTRACT

1909 Clark, R. D., Jr. and B. Huang. 1983. The dynamics of competition between sport and commercial fishing: Effects on rehabilitation of lake trout in Lake Michigan. ABSTRACT

1908 Lorantas, R. M. 1983. Assessment of the channel catfish fishery in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. (M.S. thesis). ABSTRACT

1907 Clapp, D. F. 1988. Movement, habitat use, and daily activity patterns of trophy brown trout in the South Branch of the Au Sable River, Michigan. ABSTRACT

1906 Alexander, G. R., and E. A. Hansen. 1983. Effects of sand bedload sediment on a brook trout population. ABSTRACT

1905 Schneider, J. C. 1983. Experimental walleye-perch management in a small lake. ABSTRACT

1904 Wagner, W. C. 1982. Lake trout spawning habitat in the Great Lakes. ABSTRACT

1903 Clark, R. D., Jr. 1982. The impact of voluntary catch and release of legal-sized fish on recreational fisheries. ABSTRACT

1902 Alexander, G. R., and E. A. Hansen. 1982. Sand sediments in a Michigan trout stream. Part II. Effects of reducing sand bedload on a trout population. ABSTRACT

1901 Hansen, E. A., G. R. Alexander, and W. H. Dunn. 1982. Sand sediments in a Michigan trout stream. Part I. In-stream sediment basins: a technique for removing sand bedload from streams. ABSTRACT

1900 Merron, G. S. 1982. Growth rate of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in areas of the Au Sable River, Michigan, before and after domestic sewage diversion. (M.S. thesis). ABSTRACT

(Reports #'s prior to 1900 are not yet available online)
(From Research Report 1999 to 1950)

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Last Update: 02/02/2000
Web Author: Tina M. Tincher, Librarian
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