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Research Report Numbers 1799 to 1750

(From Research Report 1749 to 1700)
(From Research Report 1849 to 1800)

1999 Breck, J. E. 1995. Foraging theory and piscivorous fish: are forage fish just big zooplankton? ABSTRACT

1998 Hudson, J. P. 1993. Seasonal and daily movements of large brown trout in the Mainstream Au Sable River, Michigan. ABSTRACT

1997 Alexander, G. R., and A. J. Nuhfer. 1993. Comparative vulnerability to angling, growth, and survival of two wild stocks of brown trout. ABSTRACT

1996 Alexander, G. R., and A. J. Nuhfer. 1993. Population dynamics of a wild brook trout population in Hunt Creek, Michigan with and without fishing. ABSTRACT

1995 Breck, J. E. 1997. Hurry up and wait: growth of bluegills in ponds and in simulations with an individual-based model. ABSTRACT
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1994 Zorn, T. G. 1993. The effects of streamflow on the short-term carrying capacity of a stream for juvenile smallmouth bass: A test of the instream flow incremental methodology. ABSTRACT

1993 Seelbach, P. W. and B. R. Miller. 1993. Dynamics in Lake Superior of Hatchery and wild steelhead emigrating from the Huron River, Michigan. ABSTRACT

1992 Schneider, J. C. and J. E. Breck. 1997. Overwinter consumption of bluegill by walleye and yellow perch. ABSTRACT
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1991 Schneider, J. C. 1993. Dynamics of good bluegill populations in two lakes with dense vegetation. ABSTRACT

1990 Gray, T. R., J. E. Breck and P. W. Webb. 1998. Effects of age-1 bluegill on large zooplankton and age-0 bluegill growth and recruitment. ABSTRACT
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1989 Kocik, J. E. 1992. Evaluation of juvenile brown trout and steelhead competition in the Great Lakes Tributaries. ABSTRACT

1988 Regal, G. E. 1992. Range of movement and daily activity of wild brown trout in the South Branch Au Sable River, Michigan. (M.A. Thesis.) ABSTRACT

1987 Clark, R. D., and G. R. Alexander. 1992. Evaluation of catch-and-release regulations on the South Branch of the Au Sable River, Michigan. ABSTRACT

1986 Nuhfer, A. J. 1993. Chestnut lamprey predation on caged and free-living brown trout in the Upper Manistee River, Michigan. ABSTRACT

1985 Nuhfer, A. J. 1992. Evaluation of the reintroduction of the Arctic grayling into Michigan lakes and streams. ABSTRACT

1984 Haas, R. C., and J. S. Schaeffer. 1992. Predator-prey and competitive interactions among walleye, yellow perch, and other forage fishes in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. ABSTRACT

1983 Rakoczy, G. P. 1991. Harvest, movement, return to the creel, and growth of chinook and coho salmon in Lake Huron, 1985-88. ABSTRACT

1982 Schneider, J. C. 1990. Use of 230-V AC electrofishing for mark-recapture studies of warmwater fish. ABSTRACT

1981 Fabrizio, M. C., J. R. Ryckman, and R. N. Lockwood. 1990. Evaluation of sampling methodologies of the Lake Michigan creel survey. ABSTRACT

1980 Ostaszewski, A. 1990. A catch-and-release fishery for stocked adult trout in the Huron River, Proud Lake Recreation area, Oakland County, Michigan. ABSTRACT

1979 Rybicki, R. W. 1990. Growth, survival, recruitment, and management of lake trout in eastern Lake Michigan. ABSTRACT

1978 Rybicki, R. W. 1990. Survival rates of 1-and-2 year old hatchery-reared trout in the West Arm of Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan. ABSTRACT

1977 Rybicki, R. W. 1990. Growth, survival, and straying of three lake trout strains stocked in a refuge of northern Lake Michigan. ABSTRACT

1976 Wagner, W. C. 1992. Evalutation of lake trout egg plants in Michigan waters of lakes Michigan and Huron. ABSTRACT

1975 Peck, J. W. 1992. The sport fishery and contribution of hatchery trout and salmon in Lake Superior and tributaries at Marquette, Michigan, 1984-87. ABSTRACT

1974 Peck, J. W., and R. G. Schorfhaar 1993. Catch and mortality of non-target species in lake whitefish trap nets in Michigan waters of Lake Superior. ABSTRACT

1973 Nuhfer, A. J., and G. R. Alexander. 1991. Growth, survival, and vulnerability to angling of three wild brook trout strains exposed to different levels of angler exploitation over time. ABSTRACT

1972 Hayes, D. B. 1990. Competition between white sucker (Cauostomus commersoni) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) results of a whole-lake manipulation. ABSTRACT

1971 Beam, J. D. 1990. Daily and seasonal movement, as related to habitat use, of smallmouth bass in the Huron River, Michigan. ABSTRACT

1970 Theiling, C. H. 1990. The relationships between several limnological factors and bluegill growth in Michigan Lake. ABSTRACT

1969 Not used.

1968 Not used.

1967 Not used.

1966 Alexander, G. R., H. Gowing, and A. J. Nuhfer. 1990. Population characteristics of Assinica and Temiscamie strains of brook trout in two Michigan lakes. ABSTRACT

1965 Schneeberger, P. J. 1989. Yellow perch predation on Bythotrephes cederstroemi in Little Bay de Noc and Big Bay de Noc, Lake Michigan, 1988. ABSTRACT

1964 Salz, R. J. 1989. Factors influencing growth and survival of yellow perch from Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. (M.S. thesis). ABSTRACT

1963 Nuhfer, A. J., and G. R. Alexander. 1989. Hooking mortality of trophy-sized wild brook trout caught on artificial lures. ABSTRACT

1962 Nuhfer, A. J. 1989. An assessment of River Rouge quality using the index biotic integrity. ABSTRACT

1961 Clark, R. D., Jr., and R. N. Lockwood. 1989. Population dynamics of bluegills subjected to harvest within the 5.0 to 6.9 inch size range. ABSTRACT

1960 Rybicki, R. W., and P. J. Schneeberger. 1990. Recent history and management of the state-licensed commercial fishery for lake whitefish in the Michigan waters of Lake Michigan. ABSTRACT

1959 Wagner, W. C. 1991. Evaluation of a man-made walleye spawning reef. ABSTRACT

1958 Lucchesi, D. O. 1988. A biological analysis of the yellow perch population in the Les Cheneaux Islands, Lake Huron. ABSTRACT

1957 Ziegler, R. L. 1988. Stream resource utilization of sympatric and allopatric juvenile brown (Salmo trutta) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri). (M.S. thesis). ABSTRACT

1956 Peck, J. W., and R. G. Schorfhaar. 1991. Assessment and management of lake trout stocks in Michigan waters of Lake Superior, 1970-87. ABSTRACT

1955 Bryant, W. C., and K. D. Smith. 1988. The status of the muskellunge in Lake St. Clair, Michigan, 1978-86. ABSTRACT

1954 Haas, R. C., M. C. Fabrizio, and T. N. Todd. 1988. Identification, movement, growth, mortality, and exploitation of walleye stocks in Lake St. Clair and the western basin of Lake Erie. ABSTRACT

1953 Smith, K. D. 1988. Evaluation of modifications to trap nets for reducing gilling in a commercial whitefish fishery. ABSTRACT

1952 Schneeberger, P. J. 1988. Natural return to a balanced fish community in Cassidy Lake after a total kill. ABSTRACT

1951 Rybicki, R. W. 1988. Selectivity of experimental gill nets for bloater chubs (Coregonus hoyi) in Lake Michigan. ABSTRACT

1950 Seelbach, P. W., and G. E. Whelan. 1988. Identification and contribution of wild and hatchery steelhead stocks in Lake Michigan tributaries. ABSTRACT

(From Research Report 1949 to 1900)
(From Research Report 2049 to 2000)

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Last Update: 02/02/2000
Web Author: Tina M. Tincher, Librarian
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